
Term 4 Learning

Welcome to Term 4! 

We are looking forward to another terrific term of fun and learning. 

We have so many exciting things planned this term, such as our Junior School excursion and the Annual Christmas Parade.

   Thanks!  Madeleine and Erin     


Religious Education Unit

Concept: Joy


People have different ways of identifying meaning for their life. People who encounter the sacred express this in different ways.

Explore what brings meaning to people’s lives and describe how people who encounter the sacred give this expression.

Recognise ways the sacred is expressed in people's lives.


Scripture is interpreted in the light of the author, place, purpose and time it was written.

Explore the Bible as a collection of sacred stories written for different times, people, places and purposes.

Identify and describe some pieces of scripture.

Core CST: Human Dignity

Spiritual Capability: Connecting with the heart.


Numeracy Focus

What will Prep be learning in Numeracy this term?

Numbers to 20 (Counting/Place Value)

We are learning about: 

  • ten ones is the same as one ten
  • two tens is the same as 20
  • all our numbers are made up of the 10 digits 0-9 
  • one bundle of popsticks represents 10.

Place Value:

  • I can read numerals up to and including 20 
  • I can identify and count the numerals in sequence backwards and forwards (0 through to 10 then 10 to 0; then 10 through to 20 and 20 back to 10)
  • I can write the numerals up to and including 20
  • I can order numbers up to and including 20. Eg 1, 9, 15
  • I can locate numbers on a numberline up to and including 20
  • I can model a number with materials such as pop sticks, unifix, and tens frames.(interpreting)


  • I can count a collection of up to 20 objects using 1:1 correspondence.
  • I can count forwards by 1’s to 20 from any starting point 
  • I can count backwards by 1’s from 20 from any starting point
  • I can ROTE count up to 20 and backwards from 20

I can form at least 80% of the numerals to 10 with correct formation.

Addition and Subtraction

We are learning about: 

  • I know all the numbers up to 10.
  • I know that when I combine numbers, the number (total) gets bigger.
  • I know that when I take away from a number the number I am left with is smaller.

I can…

  • I can make numbers up to 10 in different ways. (and in to the teens)
  • I can make small collections and combine to find the total by counting on. 
  • I can work out how many are left when I take some away from the collection.
  • I can model worded addition and subtraction problems using materials. (eg - I have two cats and two more came along.  How many do I have now?)


We are learning about: 

  • Australian notes and coins.
  • Using money to buy or pay for things we want.

I can…

  • Name some Australian coins and notes
  • Show ways that money to buy things

Measurement (Mass and Capacity)

We are learning about: 

  • longer and shorter, heavier and lighter, holds more and holds less, tall, taller
  • measuring using informal units
  • how to compare measurement and describe using everyday language

I can…

  • use words such as longer and shorter to describe and sort objects
  • use words such as heavier and lighter, holds more and holds less, tall, taller to describe and order objects.



We are learning about: 

  • Naming the different hands on a clock and making o’clock times
  • The days of the week
  • Ordering events

I can…

  • recognise that different time periods have different names, e.g.  minutes, hours
  • Name days of the week.
  • Problem solve through using known time periods to determine when things might happen in my day?
  • Make times on a clock to the hour.


Statistics and Probability

We are learning about: 

  • asking and answering yes/no questions to get information
  • collecting information
  • organising answers to yes/no questions in to simple displays
  • interpreting simple data displays

I can…

  • ask questions to get information
  • answer questions using yes or no
  • make a simple display and group responses
  • use data displays to answer simple questions

Integrated Unit ~ Our Place in Space

I can:

  • locate states/capitals on maps
  • recognise Australia on a globe/map
  • locate and recognise our local area
  • recognise main geographical features of Australia

Literacy Focus 

What will Prep be learning in Literacy this term?

Big Book focus and Reading Rotations incorporating:


  • Phonemic Awareness:
  • Introducing blends
  • Rhyming and Syllables focuses
  • Onset/rime
  • Substitution/deletions
  • Word families _ot, _en, etc

Vocab Chart

Complex Sentences


  • Blending sounds
  • Chunking sounds and using Word Families

Writing Focuses:

I can:

  • rest my letters on the line
  • use finger spaces between words
  • always begin sentences with a capital letter
  • always end sentences with a full stop or ! or ?
  • use chewy stretching to sound out words
  • neat letter formations

SMART sentences 

Uplevelling sentences 

MISTY - Scaffolding Literacy

Focus at sentence level

Weekend recounts/event recounts - beginning/middle/end focus

Basic Procedures


Basic Info Report 

- real animal

- make believe animal

Christmas writing - letters to Santa, Christmas list, Christmas cards

Lucky Dip story starters

Writing prompts such as:

 - Simon’s Cat

 - Picture prompts


We had a great time at the Book Week Parade!

Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships:

Stress Management

I can…

  • Name emotions,  personal strengths, likes, dislikes, needs and wants
  • Talk about how I feel after an activity
  • Join in activities with my friends

Help Seeking

 I can…

  • Remember and use peoples names
  • Name skills we used to play the game
  • Join in activities with my friends

Relationships and Sexuality:

Theme 5: Taking Care Online and Off

  • I am developing an awareness of the names of my private body parts and learning what it means to be safe online.

Visual Arts

Our Art Show is taking place in Week 3!

We can't wait to share our artwork with you!

We are all amazing artists.


  • I can use greetings (Selamat pagi/siang)
  • I can count to ten in Indonesian